HP Serviceguard for Linux Version A.11.19 Deployment Guide, September 2012

Set up the PATH and MANPATH environment variables
Add cluster node entries to /etc/hosts
Configure the firewall (if enabled) with Serviceguard-specific settings
Configure the /etc/nsswitch.conf settings
Configure lvm for exclusive volume group activation
This script should be run from one of the servers and will perform configuration updates for all nodes
intended for the cluster. The user will be prompted for the list of servers. Public ssh key authorization
should be configured to permit the script to run on each (remote) server without the need to prompt for
To set up ssh keys, replace <othernode> with the hostname (or IP address) of the remote server(s), for
example eve.cup.hp.com”. Execute the following command on the server where the script will be
invoked to configure remote access to the other server(s) intended for the cluster:
1. Generate the keys
NOTE: Use the default file name (id_rsa) for the keys and leave the passphrase empty (if
2. Copy the public key to the other node using the following command (as one line):
NOTE: This step will fail if the “/root/.ssh” does not exist on the <othernode>. If it does not
exist, create it.
3. Append the public key from the current node to the authorized_keys file on the other node by
executing the following command (as one line):
4. Set the shell for the ssh authentication agent using the following command:
5. Add the rsa identity to the ssh authentication agent
NOTE: To verify that the ssh keys have been set up properly, try to ssh to the other node. If not
prompted for a password, the ssh keys have been set up properly.
To run the script, follow these steps:
1. Edit the EasyConfig.config file. The content is shown here. User inputs are shown in bold.
For the list servers (including the server where the script is being executed), make sure the
hostname and IP Address are TAB separated. When done, save and quit (“[Esc]:wq!”). You
will be returned to the script for further processing.
# Enter yes or no to indicate whether Virtual Machines are
# participating as nodes in the cluster. Please provide the
# information on same line as the question.
Will this cluster have any VM(s) participating as nodes? [yes|no] : no
# Enter the node names and IP address value pairs of the