Managing HP Serviceguard Extension for SAP for Linux, December 2013

Figure 8 Primary instance failover sequence in a HANA dual-purpose scenario
Quorum Server
SAP HANA System Replication
Serviceguard for Linux
Data-Customer/Hearbeat LAN
HP AppSystem
HP AppSystem
Appliance Management/Heartbeat LAN
0-~50KM: sync or async
>~50KM: async
HP D2700 HP D2700
2.9 Dedicated NFS packages
Small clusters with only a few SGeSAP packages usually provide NFS by combining the NFS toolkit
package functionality with the SGeSAP packages that contain a database component. The NFS
toolkit is a separate product with a set of configuration and control files that must be customized
for the SGeSAP environment. It needs to be obtained separately. NFS is delivered in a distributed
fashion with each database package serving its own file systems. By consolidating this into one
package, all NFS serving capabilities can be removed from the database packages. In complex,
consolidated environments with several SGeSAP packages, it is of significant help to use one
dedicated NFS package instead of blending this into existing packages.
A dedicated SAPNFS package allows access to shared filesystems that are needed by more than
one SAP component. Typical filesystems served by SAPNFS would be some common SAP directories
such as /usr/sap/trans or /sapmnt/<SID> or for example the global MaxDB executable directory
of MaxDB 7.7. The MaxDB client libraries are part of the global MaxDB executable directory and
access to these files is needed by APO and liveCache at the same time. Beginning with MaxDB
7.8 isolated installations, each database installation keeps a separate client.
20 SAP cluster concepts