Managing HP Serviceguard Extension for SAP for Linux, December 2013

5.2.2 Node preparation and synchronization
Node preparation needs to be performed on every cluster node only once. If a node is added to
the cluster after the SGeSAP package setup, node preparation must be performed before the
packages are enabled on that node.
NOTE: It is critical for any of the following configuration and installation setup steps of Phase1
that the prerequisites (setup of volume groups, logical volumes, file systems, mount points, and
virtual hostnames) must be implemented and synchronized on all the nodes before continuing the
configuration or installation.
Synchronization means that the secondary nodes in the cluster must be coordinated with the
configuration changes from the primary node.
For example, configuration file changes in the cluster are copied from one source location (primary)
to one or more target locations (secondary).
Synchronization steps in Phase1 are intermediate as the goal here is to identify and isolate
configuration issues at an early stage.
Phase 3 contains the final synchronization steps. For more information on final synchronization,
see “Post SAP installation tasks and final node synchronization (Phase 3a)” (page 66) section.
5.2.3 Intermediate synchronization and verification of virtual hosts
To synchronize virtual hosts:
1. Ensure that all the virtual hosts that are used later in the SAP installation and the NFS toolkit
package setup are added to the /etc/hosts. If a name resolver is used instead of
/etc/hosts, then ensure that all the virtual hosts resolve correctly.
2. Verify the order and entries for the host name lookups in the /etc/nsswitch.conf.
For example:
hosts: files dns
Verification step(s):
To verify whether the name is resolved with the same IP address, ping the virtual host
on all the nodes.
ping nfsreloc
PING nfsreloc ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from saplx-0-31 ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.113 ms
64 bytes from saplx-0-31 ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.070 ms
5.2.4 Intermediate synchronization and verification of mount points
The procedure for synchronizing mount points are as follows:
1. Ensure that all the file system mount points for this package are created on all the cluster nodes
as mentioned in the prerequisites.
Verification step(s):
For example:
Run the cd /sapmnt/C11 command on all the nodes, and test for availability.
5.2.5 Infrastructure setup for NFS toolkit (Phase 1a)
If a dedicated NFS toolkit package sapnfs for SAP is planned for the installation, this must be
setup at a very early stage. You can create the package using either the Serviceguard Manager
or the CLI interface.
5.2 Infrastructure setup, pre-installation preparation (Phase 1) 55