Managing HP Serviceguard Extension for SAP for Linux, December 2013

The output displays a HANA system ID.
3. Deploy the cluster package configuration files. For additional information about the
deploysapppkgs(1) command, see the corresponding manpage.
To create a HANA clustering configuration for multi packages:
# deploysappakgs multi <SID>
This command creates Serviceguard configuration files and pre-fills the configuration files
with discovered values for the primary and secondary HANA node. The configuration
file names follow SGeSAP naming conventions, and you can name them as per your
# ls /opt/cmcluster/conf/sdpkg-<SID>/hdbp<SID>.conf
# ls /opt/cmcluster/conf/sdpkg-<SID>/hdbs<SID>.conf
Use the Serviceguard package creation commands to create HANA packages if you are
unable to use the easy deployment feature.
For creating a primary package with all the required modules use the following command:
cmmakepkg m sg/failover \
m sg/package_ip \
m sg/dependency \
m sg/priority \
m sgesap/hdbprimary \
m sgesap/hdbinstance \
> hdbp<SID>.conf
For creating a secondary package with all the required modules use the following
cmmakepkg m sg/failover \
m sg/dependency \
m sg/priority \
m sgesap/hdbinstance \
> hdbs<SID>.conf
If you want to configure Dual-purpose setup, then edit the package configuration files
and add these parameters.
NOTE: This functionality is not generated by the deploysappakgs command.
# mv hdbp<SID>.conf hdbp<SID>.conf_backup
# cmmakepkg m sgesap/hdbdualpupose \
i hdbp<SID>.conf_backup \
> hdbp<SID>.conf
You can alter the following pre-set Serviceguard cluster configuration parameters for HANA.
92 Clustering SAP HANA System Replication using SGeSAP packages