Managing HP Serviceguard for Linux, Tenth Edition, September 2012

IMPORTANT: Node names must be 39
characters or less, and are case-sensitive; for each
node, the node_name in the cluster configuration
file must exactly match the corresponding
node_name in the package configuration file (see
Chapter 6: “Configuring Packages and Their
Services ” (page 199)) and these in turn must
exactly match the hostname portion of the name
specified in the node’s networking configuration.
(Using the above example, ftsys9 must appear
in exactly that form in the cluster configuration
and package configuration files, and as in the DNS database).
The parameters immediately following
CAPACITY_VALUE) apply specifically to the node
identified by the preceding NODE_NAME entry.
CLUSTER_LOCK_LUN The pathname of the device file to be used for the
lock LUN on each node. The pathname can
contain up to 39 characters.
See “Setting up a Lock LUN” (page 166) and
“Specifying a Lock LUN” (page 182)
Can be changed while the cluster is running; see
“Updating the Cluster Lock LUN Configuration
Online” (page 270). See also “What Happens
when You Change the Quorum Configuration
Online” (page 43) for important information.
NETWORK_INTERFACE The name of each LAN that will be used for
heartbeats or for user data on the node identified
by the preceding NODE_NAME. An example is
eth0. See also HEARTBEAT_IP,
STATIONARY_IP, and About Hostname Address
Families: IPv4-Only, IPv6-Only, and Mixed Mode
(page 100).
108 Planning and Documenting an HA Cluster