Managing HP Serviceguard for Linux, Tenth Edition, September 2012

Enter the QS_HOST (IPv4 or IPv6 on SLES 10 and 11; IPv4 only on Red Hat 5), optional
QS_ADDR (IPv4 or IPv6 on SLES 10 and 11; IPv4 only on Red Hat 5),
QS_POLLING_INTERVAL, and optionally a QS_TIMEOUT_EXTENSION; and also check
the HOSTNAME_ADDRESS_FAMILY setting, which defaults to IPv4. See the parameter
descriptions under Cluster Configuration Parameters (page 103).
For important information, see also About Hostname Address Families: IPv4-Only,
IPv6-Only, and Mixed Mode” (page 100); and “What Happens when You Change the
Quorum Configuration Online” (page 43)
Obtaining Cross-Subnet Information
As of Serviceguard A.11.18 it is possible to configure multiple IPv4 subnets, joined by
a router, both for the cluster heartbeat and for data, with some nodes using one subnet
and some another. See “Cross-Subnet Configurations (page 27) for rules and definitions.
You must use the -w full option to cmquerycl to discover the available subnets.
For example, assume that you are planning to configure four nodes, NodeA, NodeB,
NodeC, and NodeD, into a cluster that uses the subnets,,,,, and
The following command
cmquerycl w full n nodeA n nodeB n nodeB n nodeC n nodeD
will produce the output such as the following:
Node Names: nodeA
Bridged networks (full probing performed):
1 lan3 (nodeA)
lan4 (nodeA)
lan3 (nodeB)
lan4 (nodeB)
2 lan1 (nodeA)
lan1 (nodeB)
3 lan2 (nodeA)
lan2 (nodeB)
4 lan3 (nodeC)
lan4 (nodeC)
lan3 (nodeD)
lan4 (nodeD)
5 lan1 (nodeC)
lan1 (nodeD)
6 lan2 (nodeC)
lan2 (nodeD)
Configuring the Cluster 183