Managing HP Serviceguard for Linux, Tenth Edition, September 2012

Valid values are during_package_start and before_package_start. The default
is during_package_start.
The resources that will be available during the course of start of the package should be
configured with an evaluation_type as during_package_start.
Monitoring for these generic resources can be started and stopped as a part of the
package, and the monitoring script can be configured as a service. This can be achieved
by configuring a service_name and a service_cmd containing the full path name
of the monitoring executable/script. The monitoring of the generic resource starts only
when the monitoring scripts are started and not at the start of the package.
For information on monitoring scripts and template, see “Monitoring Script for Generic
Resources” (page 340).
If there is a common generic resource that needs to be monitored as a part of multiple
packages, then the monitoring script for that resource can be launched as part of one
package and all other packages can use the same monitoring script. There is no need
to launch multiple monitors for a common resource. If the package that has started the
monitoring script fails or is halted, then all the other packages that are using this common
resource also fail.
These resources will usually be of the evaluation_type before_package_start and
it is recommended to configure the monitoring script in a multi-node package.
These resources must be available (status must be 'up') in order to start the package and
the monitoring scripts for these resources must be configured outside of the application
Defines a criterion to determine whether the status of a generic resource identified by
generic_resource_name is up.
Attribute requires a logical operator and a value. The operators ==, !=, >, <, >=, and
<= are allowed. Values must be positive integer values ranging from 1 to 2147483647.
218 Configuring Packages and Their Services