Managing HP Serviceguard for Linux, Tenth Edition, September 2012

You must not group two different high availability applications, services, or data,
whose control needs to be transferred independently, on the same volume group.
Your root disk must not belong to a volume group that can be activated on another
Using Generic Resources to Monitor Volume Groups
You can monitor a particular disk that is a part of an LVM volume group used by
You can do this by using the disk monitor capabilities of the System Fault Management,
available as a separate product, and integrating it in Serviceguard by configuring generic
resources in packages.
Monitoring can be set up to trigger a package failover or to report disk failure events to
Serviceguard by writing monitoring scripts, which can be configured as a service in a
package, as shown in the example that follows:
Consider a physical volume /dev/dsk/c5t0d1 that is a part of the volume group
vg_dd0 configured in a package pkg1. Your package configuration file (snippet) will
look like this:
package_name pkg1
vg vg_dd0
service_name sfm_disk_monitor
service_cmd $SGCONF/pkg1/
generic_resource_name sfm_disk
generic_resource_evaluation_type during_package_start
The example above will monitor the health of the disk /dev/dsk/c5t0d1 in the volume
group vg_dd0. The monitoring script gets the status of the disk (cmgetresource(1m))
via System Fault Management and sets the status of the disk using cmsetresource(1m).
If the sfm_disk fails for some reason as reported by SFM, then the monitoring script
will set the status of the resource to 'down' causing the package to fail.
NOTE: Specifying the generic_resource_evaluation_type is optional. If not
specified, the default value is during_package_start.
For more information, see:
System Fault Management documents at
“Using the Generic Resources Monitoring Service” (page 55)
“Monitoring Script for Generic Resources” (page 340)
“Getting and Setting the Status/Value of a Simple/Extended Generic Resource
(page 128) and the manpages
98 Planning and Documenting an HA Cluster