HP Serviceguard A.11.20.10 for Linux Release Notes, December 2012

1) # rpm ivh jdk-7-linux-x64.rpm command installs the Java rpm, if it is not
2) If you are using a .bin extension of Java rpm , run the following command cd
(change directory) to the directory, where the .bin file is present:
# ./ jdk-7-linux-x64.rpm.bin command installs the java rpm
If the rpm is already installed:
1) Find the java and provide the soft link to the desired location.
# find / -name java lists all the “java present from the “/” directory
2) Provide a soft link to the required java with /usr/bin/java
# ln s /usr/java/jdk1.7.0/bin/java /usr/bin/java
NOTE: Remember to link only the java inside JDK, not to the java inside JRE.
Using tarball:
If you are using a tarball of the JDK , untar the tarball and follow the steps to provide the
soft link:
1) Copy the java tarball to the desired location from the downloaded path:
# mkdir /opt/myJava
# cp jdk-7u1-linux-x64.tar /opt/myJava
# cd /opt/myJava
# tar xvf <<jdk-7u1-linux-x64.tar>>
After the command execution there will be a directory named jdk.
2) Provide a soft link to the required Java with /usr/bin/java
# ln s /opt/myJava/ jdk1.7.0/bin/java /usr/bin/java
NOTE: Remember to link only the java inside JDK , not to the java inside JRE.
2. Ensure that the Tomcat (Tomcat 5 or 6) rpm that is shipped with the operating system is installed.
If not installed, download a tarball and provide a soft link to the Tomcat root directory.
If you are using tarball to provide the soft link, then follow these steps:
a. Copy the Tomcat tarball to the desired location from the downloaded path:
# mkdir /opt/myTomcat creates a directory to copy the tomcat tarball.
# cp apache-tomcat-6.0.35.tar.gz /opt/myTomcat copies the tarball to
b. Gunzip the tarball, if it has a .gz extension:
# gunzip apache-tomcat-6.0.35.tar.gz
c. Untar the tarball:
# tar xvf apache-tomcat-6.0.35.tar
d. Remove the soft link, if any earlier incorrect link is provided:
# rm /usr/share/sgmgr-tomcat
e. Provide the soft link to the untarred directory:
# ln s /opt/myTomcat/apache- tomcat-6.0.35
f. Verify whether the soft link is pointing to the required tomcat directory:
# ll /usr/share/sgmgr-tomcat
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 23 Aug 15 03:03
/usr/share/sgmgr-tomcat -> /opt/myTomcat/apache-tomcat-6.0.35