HP Serviceguard for Linux Version A.11.18 Deployment Guide, August 2008

The steps in this section should be performed on each server to ensure the port is free on each server.
1. Check the /etc/services file for well-known reserved ports to look for an unreserved port, for
more /etc/services
2. Verify that an unreserved port from step 1 is not in use by running the “netstat –an” command
and searching the output to ensure the selected port is not in use:
netstat –an
Serviceguard for Linux and Related Software Installation
Java JDK
Serviceguard Manager requires the Java JDK 1.4.2 or greater. We recommend you install the latest
version of Java 5 that is available from Sun.
This needs to be installed on each server.
To install JDK 5.0, (for example, jdk-1_5_0_15) from the .bin file, run the following commands:
1. Change to the directory where the Java JDK install file is located. For example:
cd /tmp/sglx_install
2. Make sure that the .bin file is executable.
chmod a+x jdk-1_5_0_15-linux-i586-rpm.bin
3. Run the .bin file to extract the rpm package. This step may also install the rpm.
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4. Install the Java JDK, if necessary.
rpm -ivh jdk-1_5_0_15-linux-i586.rpm
Record the path to the java binary from JDK. If unsure, run the “find” command to find all java files
and directories. For example “find / -name java” will search the entire system under “/”. The path
from the install above is: /usr/java/jdk1.5.0_15/bin/java.
HP Distributed Systems Administration Utilities
HP Distributed Systems Administration Utilities (DSAU) provides consolidated syslog and package log
files. While this is optional, it is recommended to facilitate troubleshooting when there are problems
with the Serviceguard for Linux cluster or its packages.
This needs to be installed on each server.
To install DSAU, run the following commands:
1. Change to the directory where the DSAU package is located. For example:
cd /tmp/sglx_install
2. Install DSAU, for example:
rpm –ivh hpdsau-1.4-1.rhel5.i386.rpm