HP Serviceguard for Linux Version A.11.18 Deployment Guide, August 2008

To install the toolkit:
1. Change to the directory containing the toolkit, for example:
cd /tmp/sglx_install
2. Untar the file, for example:
tar xf sglxtools-A.03.02-0.product.redhat.tar
3. Install the Apache Toolkit, for example:
rpm -ivh apache-toolkit-A.03.01-0.product.redhat.noarch.rpm
Serviceguard for Linux Configuration
In this section, you will perform the server configuration steps that are required prior to configuring a
Serviceguard for Linux cluster. Then you will configure a 2-node Serviceguard for Linux cluster, create
the clog package, and configure a sample package.
Most steps will be performed using the browser-based Serviceguard Manager. Some of the sample
package configuration steps will need to be performed on one of the nodes in the cluster.
Serviceguard System Configuration Automation script
The Serviceguard System Configuration Automation script will perform most of the server
configuration tasks that need to be done prior to creating a Serviceguard for Linux. It will configure
the following:
Start and configure xinetd and identd services
Set up the PATH and MANPATH environment variables
Add cluster node entries to /etc/hosts
Configure the firewall (if enabled) with Serviceguard-specific settings
Configure the /etc/nsswitch.conf settings
Configure lvm for exclusive volume group activation
This script should be run from one of the servers and will perform configuration updates for all nodes
intended for the cluster. The user will be prompted for the list of servers. Public ssh key authorization
should be configured to permit the script to run on each (remote) server without the need to prompt for
To set up ssh keys, replace <othernode> with the hostname (or IP address) of the remote server(s), for
example “eve.cup.hp.com”. Execute the following command on the server where the script will be
invoked to configure remote access to the other server(s) intended for the cluster:
1. Generate the keys
ssh-keygen –t rsa
NOTE: Use the default file name (id_rsa) for the keys and leave the passphrase empty (if
2. Copy the public key to the other node using the following command (as one line):
scp /root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
NOTE: This step will fail if the “/root/.ssh” does not exist on the <othernode>. If it does not
exist, create it.