Managing HP Serviceguard A.11.20.20 for Linux, May 2013

and the cluster nodes, sum the values for each path
and use the largest number.
CAUTION: Serviceguard supports NFS-mounted file
systems only over switches and routers that support
MBTD. If you are using NFS-mounted file systems, you
described here.
For more information about MBTD, see the white paper
Support for NFS as a filesystem type with HP
Serviceguard A.11.20 on HP-UX and Linux available
For clusters in which both of the above conditions
In this case, set the
of the two values you get from following the instructions
in the preceding two bullets.
Default is 0. The value can range from zero to
SUBNET IP address of a cluster subnet for which IP Monitoring can
be turned on or off (see IP_MONITOR). The subnet must be
configured into the cluster, via NETWORK_INTERFACE and
either HEARTBEAT_IP or STATIONARY_IP. All entries for
IP_MONITOR and POLLING_TARGET apply to this subnet
until the next SUBNET entry; SUBNET must be the first of
each trio.
By default, each of the cluster subnets is listed under
SUBNET, and, if at least one gateway is detected for that
subnet, IP_MONITOR is set to ON and POLLING_TARGET
entries are populated with the gateway addresses, enabling
target polling; otherwise the subnet is listed with
By default, IP_MONITOR parameter is set to OFF. If a
gateway is detected for the SUBNET in question, and
POLLING_TARGET entries are populated with the gateway
addresses, setting IP_MONITOR parameter to ON enables
target polling. For more information, see the description for
See “Monitoring LAN Interfaces and Detecting Failure: IP
Level” (page 66) for more information.
Can be changed while the cluster is running; must be
removed, with its accompanying IP_MONITOR and
POLLING_TARGET entries, if the subnet in question is
removed from the cluster configuration.
IP_MONITOR Specifies whether or not the subnet specified in the
preceding SUBNET entry will be monitored at the IP layer.
To enable IP monitoring for the subnet, set IP_MONITOR to
ON; to disable it, set it to OFF.
102 Planning and Documenting an HA Cluster