Managing HP Serviceguard for Linux, Seventh Edition, July 2007

Cluster and Package Maintenance
Reconfiguring a Cluster
Chapter 7256
Changing the Cluster Networking Configuration
while the Cluster Is Running
What You Can Do
Online operations you can perform include:
Add a network interface and its HEARTBEAT_IP or STATIONARY_IP.
Delete a network interface and its HEARTBEAT_IP or STATIONARY_IP.
Change the designation of an existing interface from HEARTBEAT_IP
to STATIONARY_IP, or vice versa.
A combination of any of these in one transaction (cmapplyconf),
given the restrictions below.
What You Must Keep in Mind
The following restrictions apply:
You must not change the configuration of all heartbeats at one time,
or change or delete the only configured heartbeat.
At least one working heartbeat must remain unchanged.
You cannot add interfaces or modify their characteristics unless
those interfaces, and all other interfaces in the cluster configuration,
are healthy.
There must be no bad NICs or non-functional or locally switched
subnets in the configuration, unless you are deleting those
components in the same operation.
You cannot change the designation of an existing interface from
HEARTBEAT_IP to STATIONARY_IP, or vice versa, without also making
the same change to all peer network interfaces on the same subnet
on all other nodes in the cluster.
You cannot change the designation of an interface from
STATIONARY_IP to HEARTBEAT_IP unless the subnet is common to all
Remember that the HEARTBEAT_IP must be on the same subnet on all
nodes, and must be an IPv4 address.