HP Serviceguard for Linux Version A.11.16 Release Notes, Third Edition, August 2006

Serviceguard for Linux Version A.11.16 Release Notes
Known Problems and Workarounds
Chapter 1 63
JAGaf48214: SDFComponent.setName fails with
keywords, such as 'package'
What is the problem? The problem happens when a customer tries to
create a cluster with cluster name = “cluster” or package name =
“package”. The error SGMGR users get is “cannot create a package
named 'package' “. The present implementation through Sgmgr does
not support it. But you can configure a cluster named cluster and a
package named package using regular Serviceguard commands. If
you do that the package cannot be modified using SGMGR.
What is the workaround? To avoid this problem make sure that the
cluster is not named cluster and it does not have any package named
package. Also make sure that keywords such as service, subnet are
not used for naming services or subnets.