Managing HP Serviceguard for Linux Ninth Edition, April 2009

NOTE: Check spelling especially carefully when typing wildcards, such as ANY_USER
and ANY_SERVICEGUARD_NODE. If they are misspelled, Serviceguard will assume they
are specific users or nodes.
Package versus Cluster Roles
Package configuration will fail if there is any conflict in roles between the package
configuration and the cluster configuration, so it is a good idea to have the cluster
configuration file in front of you when you create roles for a package; use cmgetconf
to get a listing of the cluster configuration file.
If a role is configured for a username/hostname in the cluster configuration file, do not
specify a role for the same username/hostname in the package configuration file; and
note that there is no point in assigning a package administration role to a user who is
root on any node in the cluster; this user already has complete control over the
administration of the cluster and its packages.
Verifying the Cluster Configuration
If you have edited a cluster configuration template file, use the following command to
verify the content of the file:
cmcheckconf -v -C $SGCONF/clust1.conf
This command checks the following:
Network addresses and connections.
Quorum server connection.
All lock LUN device names on all nodes refer to the same physical disk area.
One and only one lock LUN device is specified per node.
A quorum server or lock LUN is configured, but not both.
Uniqueness of names.
Existence and permission of scripts specified in the command line.
If all nodes specified are in the same heartbeat subnet.
Correct configuration filename.
All nodes can be accessed.
AUTO_START_TIMEOUT are specified.
The value for package run and halt script timeouts does not exceed the maximum.
The value for HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL is at least one second.
The value for NODE_TIMEOUT is at least twice the value of
The value for AUTO_START_TIMEOUT variables is greater than zero.
182 Building an HA Cluster Configuration