Managing HP Serviceguard for Linux Ninth Edition, April 2009

binding to IP addresses, 297
binding to port addresses, 297
IP addresses and naming, 294
node and package IP addresses, 71
packages using IP addresses, 296
supported types in Serviceguard, 30
writing network applications as HA services, 291
no cluster lock
choosing, 48
basic concepts, 29
halt (TOC), 88
in Serviceguard cluster, 23
IP addresses, 71
timeout and TOC example, 88
node types
active, 25
primary, 25
effect of setting, 90
parameter in cluster configuration, 105
parameter in cluster manager configuration, 101, 104
primary, 25
time protocol for clusters, 153
Object Manager, 280
insulating users from, 290
adding and deleting package IP addresses, 73
basic concepts, 29
blank planning worksheet, 315, 316
changes allowed while the cluster is running, 265
halting, 235
in Serviceguard cluster, 23
local interface switching, 74
moving, 236
reconfiguring while the cluster is running, 262
reconfiguring with the cluster offline, 263
remote switching, 82
starting, 234
package administration, 234
solving problems, 281
package and cluster maintenance, 221
package configuration
applying, 219
distributing the configuration file, 219, 258
planning, 118
run and halt script timeout parameters, 214
step by step, 189
subnet parameter, 213
using Serviceguard commands, 252
verifying, 219
verifying the configuration, 219, 258
writing the package control script, 255
package configuration file, 196
editing, 215
generating, 214
package dependency paramters, 202
successor_halt_timeout, 200
package configuration parameters, 196
package control script
FS parameter, 214
LV parameter, 214
package coordinator
defined, 43
package dependency
parameters, 202
successor_halt_timeou, 200
package failover behavior, 120
package failures
responses, 90
package IP address
defined, 71
package IP addresses
defined, 72
reviewing, 278
package manager
blank planning worksheet, 315, 316
testing, 271
package modules, 191
base, 192
optional, 194
package switching behavior
changing, 236
deciding where and when to run, 50, 51
managed by cmcld, 39
parameter explanations, 196
parameters, 196
types, 190
for failover, 120
pacakge configuration, 196
parameters for cluster manager
initial configuration, 42
PATH, 213
physical volume
for cluster lock, 45, 46
physical volumes
blank planning worksheet, 313
planning, 99
cluster configuration, 100
cluster lock and cluster expansion, 99
cluster manager configuration, 100
disk I/O information, 96