Managing Serviceguard Extension for SAP on Linux (IA64 Integrity and x86_64), April 2009

Installation Step: IS1100
SAP computing change into the profile directory by typing the alias:
In the DEFAULT.PFL change the following entries and replace the hostname with the relocatible name if
you cluster a (ci) component. For example:
SAPDBHOST = <relocdb>
rdisp/mshost = <relocci>
rdisp/sna_gateway = <relocci>
rdisp/vbname = <relocci>_<SID>_<instnr>
rdisp/btcname = <relocci>_<SID>_<instnr>
rslg/collect_daemon/host = <relocci>
If you don't have Replicated Enqueue:
rdisp/enqname = <relocci>_<SID>_<instnr>
The following parameters are only necessary if an application server is installed on the adoptive node. For
rslg/send_daemon/listen port
rslg/collect_daemon/listen port
rslg/collect_daemon/talk port
Optional Step: IS1110
If you want to use the DB-Reconnect functionality for
Add entries to:
Instance Profiles of all application servers that use DB-Reconnect
When configuring the DBRECONNECT feature follow the appropriate OSS notes 109036, 98051 and
For example:
rsdb/reco_trials = 15
rsdb/reco_sleep_time = 60
rsdb/reco_sosw_for_db = off(based on OSS #109036)
rsdb/reco_sync_all_server = on
Installation Step: IS1120
In the instance profile of each clustered
instance, two values have to be added to specify the virtual
Fr example in <SID>_DVEBMGS<INSTNR>:
SAPLOCALHOST = <relocci>
SAPLOCALHOSTFULL = <relocci>.<domain>
The parameter SAPLOCALHOSTFULL must be set even if you do not use DNS. In this case you should set it
to the name without the domain name:
The instance profile name is often extended by the hostname. You do not need to change this filename to
include the relocatible hostname. Serviceguard Extension for SAP on Linux also supports the full instance
virtualization of SAPWAS 6.40 and beyond. The startsap mechanism can then be called by specifying
the instance's virtual IP address. For this case, it is required to use the virtual IP addressing in the filenames
of the instance profile and instance start profile. All references to the instance profiles that occur in the start
profile need to be changed to include the virtual IP address instance profile filename.
SAPLOCALHOST is set to the hostname per default at startup time and is used to build the SAP application
server name:
98 Step-by-Step Cluster Conversion