Managing Serviceguard NFS for Linux, September 2006

Installing and Configuring Serviceguard NFS for Linux
Installing Serviceguard NFS for Linux
Chapter 218
Installing Serviceguard NFS for Linux
The following descibes the Serviceguard NFS for Linux installation
NOTE The following procedures assume you are working in a RedHat
environment. If your environment is SLES, replace all occurrences of
/usr/local with /opt.
1. Check for and remove any previous version of Serviceguard NFS for
Query the rpm database for the NFS Toolkit:
# rpm -qa |grep nfstoolkit
If any part of the NFS Toolkit is installed, the grep returns the
version number.
Erase older versions of the NFS Toolkit, if needed:
# rpm -e nfstoolkit<release_version>
2. Use the Redhat and SuSE Package Management rpm command to
install the Serviceguard NFS file set. Change to your RPM file
directory, then issue the following commands:
Proliant Servers:
# rpm -i nfs-toolkit-A.01.04-0.product.redhat.i386.rpm
Integrity Servers:
# rpm -i nfs-toolkit-A.01.04-0.product.redhat.ia64.rpm
SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server:
Proliant Servers:
# rpm -i nfs-toolkit-A.01.04-0.product.suse.i386.rpm
Integrity Servers:
# rpm -i nfs-toolkit-A.01.04-0.product.suse.ia64.rpm