Managing HP Serviceguard for Linux, Sixth Edition, August 2006

Serviceguard Commands
Appendix A 289
cmhaltserv Halt a service from the high availability package
halt script. This is not a command line executable
command, it runs only from within the package
control script.
cmhaltserv is used in the high availability package
halt script to halt a service. If any part of package
is marked down, the package halt script is executed
as part of the recovery process.
This command sends a SIGTERM signal to the PID
and the corresponding process group of the
monitored service. If this signal is caught by the
running application, it is up to the application to
ensure that the processes will be terminated.
cmmakepkg Create a high availability package template file.
cmmakepkg creates a template ASCII package
configuration file or package control script as
specified by the selected option. The
should be customized for a
specific cluster environment. After customization,
these files should be verified by the cmcheckconf
command. If
is not provided,
output will be directed to stdout.
Table A-1 Serviceguard Commands (Continued)
Command Description