Managing HP Serviceguard for Linux, Sixth Edition, August 2006

Understanding Serviceguard Software Components
How the Cluster Manager Works
Chapter 3 43
The operation of the quorum server is shown in Figure 3-3. When there
is a loss of communication between node 1 and node 2, the quorum server
chooses one node (in this example, node 2) to continue running in the
cluster. The other node halts.
Figure 3-3 Quorum Server Operation
Types of Quorum Server Configuration
The quorum server can be configured as a Serviceguard package or as a
stand alone installation. Whether it is configured in a stand alone
fashion or as a Serviceguard package, the quorum server must run on a
system that is separate from the cluster for which it is providing quorum
services. A single quorum server, running as a package or stand alone,
can provide quorum services for multiple clusters.