Migrating Symantec Veritas Cluster Server to HP Serviceguard for Linux

Technical white paper | Migrating Symantec Veritas Cluster Server to HP Serviceguard for Linux
VCS cluster attributes,
which can be configured
by users
Corresponding SG/LX
cluster attributes
(equivalent to some
extent), which can be
configured by users
6 Guests user_name, user_host, and
In VCS, the “Guests” attribute is used to specify a list of OS user accounts that have
Guest privileges on the cluster.
Serviceguard provides RBAC to specify Guest privilege to multiple OS users. To
achieve this, USER_ROLE is specified as “MONITOR”.
7 GroupLimit max_configured_packages In VCS, the “GroupLimit” attribute is used to specify maximum number of
service groups.
In Serviceguard, the “max_configured_packages” attribute is used to specify the
maximum number of packages.
8 LockMemory No attribute In VCS, the “LockMemory” attribute is used to control the locking of VCS engine
pages in memory.
Serviceguard core daemons are pinned in the memory by default.
9 LogSize No attribute In VCS, the “LogSize” indicates the size of engine log files in bytes.
10 OperatorGroups
and Operators
user_name, user_host, and
In VCS, the “OperatorGroups” and “Operator” attributes allow you to specify list of
OS user groups or users who have Operator privileges on the cluster.
In Serviceguard, cluster and package access control policy parameters can be used
together to get the different level of privileges for multiple users. The user_role
parameter determines the role of the user. Following are the supported values for
user_role attribute:
MONITOR: read-only capabilities for cluster and packages
PACKAGE_ADMIN: MONITOR, plus administrative privileges for packages
FULL_ADMIN: MONITOR and PACKAGE_ADMIN plus the administrative privileges
for the cluster.
11 PanicOnNoMem No attribute In VCS, “PanicOnNoMem” indicates the action that you want VCS engine (HAD) to
take if it cannot receive messages from GAB due to low-memory.
Serviceguard usually resets the system when sufficient memory is not allocatable.
12 UseFence forced_pr_disable In VCS, the “UseFence” attributes to enable or disable SCSI-3 persistent reservation
(PR) based I/O fencing.
In Serviceguard, SCSI-3 PR based I/O fencing is enabled by default. To disable
SCSI-3 PR based I/O fencing for all packages in the SG/LX cluster set the parameter
forced_pr_disable in the cluster configuration file to 1.
HacliUserLevel, HostMonLogLvl, LogClusterUUID, PrintMsg, ProcessClass, ProcessPriority, SourceFile, Stewards, TypeLimit,
UserNames, EngineShutdown, DeleteOnlineResource, CounterMissTolerance, EngineClass, CounterMissAction, and
CounterInterval are not relevant in SG/LX Environment.