Serviceguard Manager Version A.04.00 Release Notes, June 2004

Serviceguard Manager Version A.04.00 Release Notes
Patches and Fixes in this Version
Chapter 152
JAGae71073 Search Help Index with “enter” key does not work
in Japanese or Korean.
What is the problem? In Japanese and Korean versions, Serviceguard
Manager will freeze if you type local characters into the Index tab of
Help and then type enter.
What is the workaround? Use the Search tab instead.
JAGae69202 - Rarely, cannot start program when running on
SuSE via ReflectionX
What is the problem? Occasionally, an exception happens when using
ReflectionX to remotely start Serviceguard Manager on SuSE Linux.
(SuSE Linux is supported for English only.)
What is the workaround? This is related to a problem in the Java
Runtime Environment. There is no workaround. Often it will work if
you try again.
JAGae67613 Timing problem with Options -> Welcome Dialog.
What is the problem? A timing problem cause unsynchronized
behavior of the Options-> Dialog box settings. Here is one scenario:
1. First, click on the button to un-set Options -> Welcome Dialog
2. Exit Serviceguard Manager, then restart
3. The Welcome Dialog does not show, which is correct behavior
4. Click on Options->Welcome Dialog box to re-set it.
5. Exit Serviceguard Manager again, then restart again
6. This time the Welcome Dialog does not appear at startup, and
the box is not clicked. After discovery is complete, however, the
Welcome Dialog does appear, and the box is clicked.
What is the workaround? There is no workaround.
JAGae50775 In Traditional Chinese locale, in HP-UX, need to use
Java OOB tool prior to install
What is the problem? Java performance is bad on HP-UX in the
Traditional Chinese.