Serviceguard Manager Version A.04.02 Release Notes, February 2005

Serviceguard Manager Version A.04.02 Release Notes
Compatibility Information and Installation Requirements
Chapter 1 19
from the cluster nodes:
udp on port 162
to the cluster nodes:
udp on port 161
Each Serviceguard node must allow these connections:
from the Serviceguard Manager node:
udp on port 161
to the Serviceguard Manager node:
udp on port 162
to the COM node:
tcp on port 5303 - and allow only packets with SYN flag.
Each cluster node must allow these connections:
from the COM node to the cluster nodes:
tcp on port 5302 and allow only packets with the SYN flag
udp on port 5302
to the COM node from the cluster nodes
tcp and udp on port numbers 49152-65535 from the cluster nodes
The node running the COM must allow these connections:
from Serviceguard Manager to the COM node:
tcp on port 5303 - and allow only packets with the SYN flag
from cluster nodes to the COM:
tcp and udp on port numbers 49152-65535 from the cluster nodes
to the cluster nodes
tcp on port 5302 - and allow only packets with the SYN flag
udp on port 5302