Serviceguard Manager Version A.04.02 Release Notes, February 2005

Serviceguard Manager Version A.04.02 Release Notes
Patches and Fixes in this Version
Chapter 144
JAGaf18740 - Sometimes, Linux rpm manager warns file conflict for
SIM integration files. When installing SGMgr on a linux machine
with SIM (Systems Insight Manager) already installed, you will get
errors with A.04.00. The problem is fixed in A.04.02.
JAGaf18743 - InstallAnywhere was not supported for Win 2003
Server on Serviceguard Manager version A.04.00. It is supported on
Serviceguard Manager version A.04.02.
JAGaf18880 - Serviceguard Manager integration with OVO 8.0 is not
complete in Serviceguard Manager version A.04.00. It is complete in
version A.04.02.
JAGaf17398 - Creating new cluster with embedded “#” character
fails (See also JAGaf12270) Using Serviceguard Manager version
A.04.00, you cannot create a cluster with the pound (#) character in
the name. One example is the name “cluster#27.” This is fixed for
Serviceguard Manager version A.04.02.
JAGaf14600 Package and property sheets show non-configured
cluster-monitored subnets. This happens in Serviceguard Manager
version A.04.00 if a node in the cluster has a LAN card that has more
than one IP address, and the addresses are for different subnets.
This is fixed in Serviceguard Manager A.04.02.
JAGef13948 Property sheets appear to hang when storage is bad.
The timeout for checking storage status may not work in
Serviceguard Manager version A.04.00. The timeout problem is fixed
in version A.04.02.
JAGaf13925 SGMgr allows conflicting roles for clusters and
packages (See also JAGaf08686). Serviceguard Manager will allow
you to configure conflicting or redundant roles in Serviceguard
Manager A.04.00. This is especially likely when using wild-cards.
The rules for roles and wildcards have been refined for the new
Fixed in Version A.04.00
The problems listed below were fixed for the A.04.00 release.
JAGae87041 - In SuSE Linux on IPF, Serviceguard Manager
sometimes did not run. Although it installs correctly, sometimes
Serviceguard Manager will not run because it can not find a library.