Serviceguard Manager Version A.05.02 Release Notes, March 2009

Requirements for Capabilities
Starting with Serviceguard Manager version A.04.00, you can configure clusters and failover packages
using nodes that have Serviceguard version A.11.16.xx. With Serviceguard Manager A.05.02, you can
also configure clusters and packages on nodes with Serviceguard A.11.17.00 and A.11.17.01.
Administration has changed from previous versions as well. Serviceguard version A.11.16.xx, A.11.17.00,
and A.11.17.01 now use Access Control Policies to assign administrative roles to non-root users to administer
Serviceguard clusters and packages, either locally or from outside the cluster.
Starting with Serviceguard Manager A.04.00, some of the capabilities you have depend on the Serviceguard
version of the Session Server, the node you login to and begin a session. Some depend on the target, the
Serviceguard node, cluster, or on the package you will see in your map, tree, and Properties.
The table below summarizes the capabilities of different releases of Session Servers and target nodes, starting
in Serviceguard Manager A.04.00.
The first column has the Serviceguard versions of the Session Server. The second column lists the
Serviceguard version of target clusters you can reach with that Session Server.
The next three columns describe the capabilities, and what is required for each: Monitor, Administration,
and Configuration.
NOTE: A.05.02 is required for integration with SIM to work.
If A.05.02 is not installed, clicking on an A.11.17.01 cluster in SIM will not take you to the System
Management Homepage (SMH) for Serviceguard.
A.05.02 comes with a special jsp page that redirects you to the appropriate management tool according
to the version of the selected cluster.
NOTE: For A.11.17 or earlier, A.05.02 will be launched via Java Web Start (JWS).
When you attempt to launch Java Web Start for the first time, Java Web Start may encounter download
errors due to your firewall settings. Make certain you can directly access the Sun Microsystems, Inc. web
site from your browser.
For A.11.17.01 or later, (B.xx.xx) redirects you to the System Management Homepage on one of the nodes
in the selected cluster.
Table 1-2 Capabilities of Session Servers on Target Clusters
To ConfigureTo AdministerTo MonitorTarget cluster's
Service- guard
Session Server's
Service- guard
not supportednot supportedUser can be any entry in Session
Server's /etc/passwd file
Target must have
<sess.serv><root> in
cmclnodelist file.
A.11.11.xx, and
A.11.14.xx, and
not supportedUser must log in to Session
Server as root.
Target must have
<sess.serv> root in
cmclnodelist file.
User can be any entry in Session
Server's /etc/passwd file
Target must have
<sess.serv><root> in
cmclnodelist file.
A.11.14.xx, and
A.11.14.xx, and
Configuration menu
available when an
A.11.16.xx or
A.11.17.xx object is
selected User must
supply root password
for a cluster node
Not supportedUser can be any entry in Session
Server's /etc/passwd file
Target cluster must have an Access
control Policy configured
Host = Session Server
User = any entry in Session
Server's /etc/passwd
Role = Monitor
A.11.14.xx, and
20 Serviceguard Manager Version A.05.02 Release Notes