Serviceguard Manager Version A.05.02 Release Notes, March 2009

JAGag47837 Launching interface of Serviceguard Manager needs to handle standalone/plug-ins
What is the problem?
When attempting to launch Serviceguard Manager from VSE Manager, a screen
appears prompting you to select which Serviceguard Manager version you want to use. Typically you would
use Serviceguard Manager A.05.02 for Serviceguard version A.11.17 and earlier or B.0x.xx for Serviceguard
A.11.17.01 and higher.
What is the workaround?
There is no workaround.
JAGag15620 Asterisk (*) in max no of packages is only for Serviceguard A.11.17.xx
What is the problem?
There is an asterisk (*) next to the max number of packages parameter in the Cluster
Configuration file, indicating that you can modify this parameter while the cluster is UP. This is only true for
A.17.11.xx. For earlier versions, you must halt the cluster to change the max number of packages parameter.
What is the workaround?
There is no workaround.
JAGaf65790 SG Manager does not display updated cluster lock info online
What is the problem?
Any vgexport/vgimport changes are not recognized by Serviceguard until cluster
What is the workaround?
There is no workaround.
JAGaf63277 - Serviceguard Manager sometimes aborts when launched from OVO
What is the problem?
Serviceguard Manager may abort when launched from OVO.
What is the workaround?
There are two possible workarounds for this defect:
1. Launch Serviceguard Manager directly from command line:
2. Install AR0905 linker patch
JAGag09581 - SGMGR disallows modifying a package if it's name is a reserved word
What was the problem?
If a package has the name matching one of the following keywords then Serviceguard
Manager will report an error when trying to modify the package:
Serviceguard Keywords:
What is the workaround?
Use command line interface to re-name the package. Assuming XXX is the existing
package name, and YYY is the new package name:
1. Log in to one of cluster nodes as root.
2) Create a temporary directory and cd to it.
36 Serviceguard Manager Version A.05.02 Release Notes