Serviceguard Manager Version A.05.02 Release Notes, March 2009

JAGaf73681: Creating "ASCII" style pkg fails with "no script found" error.....................................35
JAGaf83497: Serviceguard Manager tooldef for SIM needs <tool-id> tag.....................................35
Known Problems and Workarounds...............................................................................................35
QXCR1000898799 SMH SSO section not rendered in SIM content frame on FireFox.....................35
QXCR1000579551 FS Mount Options configuration inserts spaces around "=" symbols
QXCR1000738906 Serviceguard Manager A.05.02 does not allow configuration of multiple IP
addresses for a Quorum Server...............................................................................................35
JAGag47837 Launching interface of Serviceguard Manager needs to handle
JAGag15620 Asterisk (*) in max no of packages is only for Serviceguard A.11.17.xx......................36
JAGaf65790 SG Manager does not display updated cluster lock info online.................................36
JAGaf63277 - Serviceguard Manager sometimes aborts when launched from OVO.......................36
JAGag09581 - SGMGR disallows modifying a package if it's name is a reserved word..................36
JAGaf12970 Service commands that contain quotes are not passed to control script.......................37
JAGaf14625 Problems creating and modifying packages that contain non-alphanumeric characters
(,*,$,#, ...)...........................................................................................................................37
JAGaf43912 Cluster Properties: wrong lock info in older version of COM......................................37
JAGaf64743 Help: Problem entering Locale ko chars in index of online help viewer.......................37
JAGaf48460 Event browser displays wrong status of snmp subagent............................................38
JAGaf45963 Cannot cmapplyconf from root from node in cluster.................................................38
JAGaf44886 In Asian locales in Windows, the uninstaller has illegible text (ZeroG bug)................38
JAGaf44056 Traditional-Chinese font size too small on HP-UX client.............................................39
JAGaf43915 Assertion error when focus gained during disconnect/reconnect................................39
JAGaf32042 Standby LANs config does not work properly (See also JAGae87650).......................39
JAGaf17035 Some accessibility short-cut keys do not work in non-English locale............................39
JAGaf16670 - Startup issues with Java Webstart........................................................................39
JAGaf15152 Package with all nodes (*) causes problem when adding node to cluster.....................40
JAGaf14041 Connection error if IP Address of node can not be found..........................................40
JAGaf11256 Serviceguard Manager won't discover nodes if another cluster has the same name......40
JAGaf09768 More than one config screen can be opened for one cluster.....................................40
JAGaf08484 Null Pointer exception search string "ss" in help window (Javahelp bug)....................40
JAGae69202 - Rarely, cannot start program when running on SUSE via ReflectionX.......................40
JAGae50775 In Traditional Chinese locale, in HP-UX, need to use Java OOB tool prior to install.....41
JAGae50774 In Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese, the license agreement radio button
text is illegible.......................................................................................................................41
JAGae50773 In non-English locales, installer shows "OK" in first panel........................................41
JAGae50727 In non-English locales, typed characters not visible in HP-UX....................................41
JAGae50110 Welcome Dialog and others: Mnemonic underline indicator can be incorrect in
non-English interfaces............................................................................................................41
JAGae40370 - Alerts dialog Apply button should accept the Enter key..........................................41
JAGae40298 - Alerts and Tally for Status not always affected by filters.........................................41
JAGad80600 - Certain progress messages are not localized.......................................................41
JAGaf96074 - Cannot change network interface configuration during modify cluster......................42
JAGaf96075 - Illegal arg except when deleting a subnet with multiple NIC's.................................42
JAGag07974 - Problems after converting ctl script to ASCII style...................................................42
JAGag08885 - HP-UX/Linux: typed target folder is ignored during save session.............................42
Software Availability in Native Languages..........................................................................................42
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