Serviceguard Manager Version A.05.02 Release Notes, March 2009

JAGaf96074 - Cannot change network interface configuration during modify cluster
What is the problem?
Cluster configuration could encounter problems after changing a standby LAN to an
active LAN and then using it for a heartbeat or monitored subnet in the cluster configuration.
What is the workaround?
There is no workaround.
JAGaf96075 - Illegal arg except when deleting a subnet with multiple NIC's
What is the problem?
A problem is encountered when removing and adding a subnet with multiple NICs
(Network Interface Cards) during cluster configuration.
What is the workaround?
There is no workaround.
JAGag07974 - Problems after converting ctl script to ASCII style
What is the problem?
When a package is converted to ASCII style with the ctl script file name as
/etc/cmcluster/pkg/ If a user edit the script, save changes, goes to another tab and
then comes back to edit control script again, the control script name is automatically changed to
/etc/cmcluster/pkg/ When user tries to apply the configuration, it fails saying cannot find
/etc/cmcluster/pkg/ on cluster nodes.
What is the workaround?
There is no workaround.
JAGag08885 - HP-UX/Linux: typed target folder is ignored during save session
What is the problem?
On HP-UX and Linux, target folder path is ignored if its path is typed into the text field
when saving session.
What is the workaround?
Use mouse or keyboard short-cuts to change directories in the file save dialog.
Software Availability in Native Languages
This version of Serviceguard Manager Version A.05.02 interface and release notes are available only in
American English.
42 Serviceguard Manager Version A.05.02 Release Notes