Designing Disaster Recovery Clusters using Metroclusters and Continentalclusters, Reprinted October 2011 (5900-1881)

4. Specify the Serviceguard dependency:
dependency_name SG-CFS-pkg_dep
dependency_condition SG-CFS-pkg=up
dependency_location same_node
5. Apply the newly created package configuration.
# cmapplyconf -v -P <cvm_dg_pkg_name>.conf
Configuring the Storage Device using SLVM
Complete the following procedure to create volume groups on the primary cluster:
1. Define the appropriate volume groups on each host system in the primary cluster.
# mkdir /dev/<vg_name>
# mknod /dev/<vg_name> /group c 64 0xnn0000
where the name /dev/<vg_name> and the number nn are unique within the entire cluster.
2. Create the volume group on the source volumes.
# pvcreate -f /dev/rdsk/cxtydz
# vgcreate /dev/<vg_name> /dev/dsk/cxtydz
3. Create the logical volume for the volume group.
# lvcreate -L XXXX /dev/<vg_name>
In this command, XXXX indicates the size in MB.
4. Export the volume groups on the primary system without removing the special device files.
# vgchange -a n <vg_name>
Make sure that you copy the mapfiles to all host systems.
# vgexport -s -p -m <map_file_name> <vg_name>
5. On the nodes in the primary cluster, import the volume group.
# vgimport -s -m <map_file_name> <vg_name>
6. On each node, ensure that the volume group to be shared is currently inactive on all nodes.
# vgchange -a n /dev/<vg_name>
7. On the configuration node, make the volume group shareable by members of the primary
cluster in the cluster:
# vgchange -S y -c y /dev/<vg_name>
Run this command only on the configuration node only, and the cluster must be running on
all nodes for the command to succeed. Note that both the -S and the -c options are specified.
The -S y option makes the volume group shareable, and the -c y option causes the cluster
ID to be written out to all the disks in the volume group. In effect, this command specifies the
cluster to which a node must belong in order to obtain shared access to the volume group.
Configuring the Complex Workload at the Primary Cluster
Install and configure the complex workload on nodes at the primary cluster. Create Serviceguard
packages for the complex workload in the primary cluster. This package must be configured to
run on the nodes in the primary cluster. The procedure to configure a complex workload stack at
the primary cluster differs based on CVM, CFS, and SLVM.
132 Designing Continentalclusters