Designing Disaster Recovery Clusters using Metroclusters and Continentalclusters, Reprinted October 2011 (5900-1881)

In this command, <node1> and <node2> are nodes in the recovery cluster.
6. Mount the cluster file systems in this CFS sub-cluster.
# cfsmount /cfs/<cvm_dg_name>
Configuring the Storage Device using SG SMS CVM in a Legacy Style Packaging
NOTE: HP recommends you to use the modular style of packaging.
Complete the following procedure to import CVM disk groups on the nodes in the recovery cluster
and to create CVM disk group MNP package:
1. From the CVM master node at the recovery cluster, import the disk groups used by the complex
# vxdg -stfC import <cvm_dg_name>
2. Create Serviceguard disk group MNP packages for the disk groups with a unique name in
the cluster.
# cfsdgadm add <cvm_dg_name> <cvm_dg_pkg_name> all=sw\
<node1> <node2>
In this command, <node1> and <node2> are nodes in the recovery cluster.
3. Activate the complex workload disk groups in the CFS sub-cluster.
# cfsdgadm activate <cvm_dg_name>
Configuring the Storage Device using VERITAS CVM
Complete the following procedure to import CVM disk groups on the nodes in the recovery cluster
and to create a Serviceguard CVM disk group package:
1. From the CVM master node at the recovery cluster, import the disk groups used by the complex
# vxdg -stfC import <cvm_dg_name>
2. Create Serviceguard disk group modular MNP packages for the CVM disk group.
IMPORTANT: VERITAS CVM disk groups must be configured in a dedicated modular MNP
package using the cvm_dg attribute. This modular MNP package must be configured to have
a package dependency on the SG-CFS-pkg SMNP package. Continentalclusters with SADTA
does not support configuring Legacy style packages for managing VERITAS CVM disk groups.
Configuring the Storage Device using SLVM
Complete the following procedure to import volume groups on the nodes in the recovery cluster:
1. Define the appropriate volume groups on each host system in the recovery cluster.
# mkdir /dev/<vg_name>
# mknod /dev/<vg_name> /group c 64 0nn0000
In this command, /dev/<vg_name> and the number nn are unique within the cluster.
2. Export the volume groups on the primary cluster without removing the special device files.
# vgchange -a n <vg_name>
# vgexport -s -p -m <map_file_name> <vg_name>
Ensure that the map files are copied to all nodes in the recovery cluster.
3. On the recovery cluster, import the VGs on all systems that will run the Serviceguard complex
workload package.
# vgimport -s -m <map_file_name> <vg_name>
138 Designing Continentalclusters