Designing Disaster Recovery Clusters using Metroclusters and Continentalclusters, Reprinted October 2011 (5900-1881)

information. These processes take time and are not necessary since the IDs are static in the EVA
system. To improve the query performance, the software will cache these IDs in the clustered nodes.
To cache the object IDs in the clustered nodes, it is required to run the evadiscovery tool after the
EVA and Continuous Access EVA are configured, and the storage is accessible from the hosts. The
tool will query the active Management Server for the needed information and save it in a mapping
file. It is necessary to distribute the mapping file to all the clustered nodes.
Defining Management Server and SMI-S Information
To define Management Server and SMI-S information use the smispasswd tool. The following
steps describe the options for defining Management Server and SMI-S information:
Creating the Management Server List
On a host that resides on the same data center as the active management server, create the
Management Server list using an input file, use the following steps:
1. Create a configuration input file (A template of this file can be found in /opt/cmcluster/
2. Copy the template file /opt/cmcluster/toolkit/SGCAEVA/smiseva.conf to the
/etc/dtsconf/ directory.
# cp /opt/cmcluster/toolkit/SGCAEVA/smiseva.conf
3. For each Management Server in your configuration (both local and remote sites), enter the
Management Server’s hostname or IP address, the administrator login name, type of connection
(secure or non-secure), and SMI-S name space.
An example of the smiseva.conf file is as follows:
## ##
## smiseva.conf CONFIGURATION FILE (template)for use with ##
## the smispasswd utility in the Metrocluster Continuous ##
## Access EVA Environment. ##
## Note: This file MUST be edited before it can be used. ##
## For complete details about Management Server/SMI-S ##
## configuration for use with Metrocluster Continuous ##
## Access EVA, consult Designing Disaster Tolerant High ##
## Availability Clusters. ##
## This file provides input to the smispasswd utility, ##
## which you use to set up secure access paths between ##
## cluster nodes and SMI-S services. ##
## Edit this file to include the appropriate information ##
## about the SMI-S services that will be used in your ##
## Metrocluster Continuous Access EVA environment. ##
## After entering all the desired information, run the ##
## smispasswd command to generate the security ##
## configuration that allows cluster nodes to communicate ##
## with the SMI-S services. ##
## Below is an example configuration. The data is ##
## commented out. ##
## Hostname/IP_Address User_login_name Secure Namespace ##
## IP_Address Connection ##
## administrator y root/EVA ##
## administrator y root/EVA ##
## admin12309 y root/EVA ##
## SANMA04 admin y root/EVA ##
## The example shows a list of 4 Management Server/SMI-S ##
## data in the Metrocluster Continuous Access EVA ##
## environment. Each line represents a different SMI-Ss ##
218 Building Disaster Recovery Serviceguard Solutions Using Metrocluster with Continuous Access EVA