Designing Disaster Recovery Clusters using Metroclusters and Continentalclusters, Reprinted October 2011 (5900-1881)

For further information, see the cmpreparestg(1m) man page. All restrictions imposed by
Serviceguard are applicable when using cmpreparestg in a Metrocluster. Furthermore, the
restrictions and prerequisite mentioned in this section apply to cmpreparestg as well.
Easy Deployment of Metrocluster Modular Packages
Starting with Serviceguard version A.11.20, the Package Easy Deployment feature is introduced.
This feature is available from the Serviceguard Managed version B.03.10. It provides a It provides
a simple way to quickly deploy Metrocluster modules in supported toolkit applications. For detailed
information about the Package Easy Deployment feature, see Using Easy Deployment in Serviceguard
and Metrocluster Environments available at —>
HP Serviceguard.
The advantage offered by the Package Easy Deployment feature is that none of the Metrocluster
module parameters have to be entered by the user in the modular package configuration file. The
appropriate Metrocluster module along with proper values for its parameters is inserted into the
package configuration file automatically based on the type of disks used by the supported toolkit
If the disks used are EMC SRDF disks and are replicated, then the dts/mcsrdf module is
automatically inserted into the package configuration file.
The following dts/mcsrdf parameters are auto-discovered:
The following prerequisites and limitations apply in package easy deployment for Metrocluster
with EMC SRDF.
The Device Group or the Consistency Group must be created.
If enclosure based naming scheme is used by Veritas Volume manager, package easy deployment
of Metrocluster packages is not supported.
Adding a Node to a Metrocluster
To add a node to Metrocluster with EMC SRDF:
1. Add the node in a cluster by editing the Serviceguard cluster configuration file and applying
the configuration:
# cmapplyconf -C cluster.config
2. Configure the device groups or consistency groups used by the Metrocluster packages on the
newly added node. For more information, see “Creating Symmetrix Device Groups (page 262)
or “Creating the Consistency Groups” (page 267).
3. If you are using Metrocluster legacy packages, follow the steps mentioned below:
a. Create the Metrocluster package directory on the newly added node.
b. Copy the package control script and Metrocluster environment file from one of the existing
nodes to the same pathname on the newly added node:
# rcp <package_directory>/<package_control_Script>
# rcp <package_directory>/<Metrocluster_environment_file>
4. If you are using Metrocluster modular package and if node_name is set to “*” in Metrocluster
package configuration, follow the steps mentioned below:
284 Building Disaster Recovery Serviceguard Solutions Using Metrocluster with EMC SRDF