HP Serviceguard Storage Management Suite A.04.00 Release Notes

add a new node to the DG package using the cfsdgadm modify add =sw command,
then proceed to step 10.
a. Edit the package ascii file configuration parameters to add the new node that the package
will run on and the activation and mount options:
node_name : node1
node_name : node2
node_name : node3
cfs_mount_point /cfsmnt01
cfs_volume cvm_dg1 /lvol1
cfs_activation_options: node1=sw node2=sw node3=sw
cfs_mount_options: node1= cluster node2= cluster
b. Apply the ascii configuration file using the cmapplyconf command: cmapplyconf
c. Run the package on the newly added node using the cmrunpkg command: cmrunpkg
-n node3<package_name>
NOTE: Step 9a, 9b, and 9c should repeated for each of the CFS Mount point and Disk
Group packages. Then proceed to step 15.
10. Activate the DG package on the new node using the cfsdgadm activate <DG name>
<new node> command.
11. Add a new node to the MP package using the cfsmntadm modify <mount point path>
add <new node>=rw command.
12. Mount the file system on the new node using the cfsmount <mount point path> <new
node> command.
13. Run the cfscluster status command to check the status of the CFS/CVM DG and mount
14. Steps #11 to #13 must be repeated for all of the volumes present on the current DG. If there
are more DGs repeat steps #9 to #13.
15. Extend the Oracle Clusterware software to the new node. For more information on extending
the Oracle Clusterware software, see the Oracle Database documentation.
16. If an Oracle Clusterware Multinode package (OC-MNP) is not configured then this step should
be skipped or you can edit the OC-MNP configuration file to include the details for the new
node. For more information on configuring an OC-MNP package, see Using Serviceguard
Extension for RAC (p/n T1859-90060).
17. Apply the OC-MNP package configuration using the cmapplyconf -P <OC-MNP pkg
config file> command (skip this step if OC-MNP is not configured).
18. Start the OC-MNP package on new node using the cmrunpkg -n <new node> <OC-MNP
pkg config file> command (skip this step if OC-MNP is not configured).
19. Extend the Oracle database software onto the new node. For more information on extending
Oracle database software onto a new node, see the Oracle Database documentation. See
Using Serviceguard Extension for RAC (p/n T1859-90060) for information on configuring
the Oracle Disk Manager (ODM) library.
20. Add a database instance to the new node. For more information on adding a database
instance, see the Oracle Database documentation.
21. Edit the Oracle RAC Database Multinode package (RAC-MNP) to add the details of the new
node. (If an Oracle RAC database Multinode package (RAC-MNP) is not configured, skip this
step). For more information on configuring a RAC-MNP package, see Using Serviceguard
Extension for RAC (p/n T1859-90060).
Product Issues and Limitations 41