HP Storage Essentials SRM Enterprise Edition 6.0 Application Integration Software for SAP ACC version A.02.01 Release Notes (August 2008)

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2. Ensure that the hosts entry in /etc/nsswitch.conf is configured to resolve 1st from "files" and
then from DNS.
HP-UX - Failed Mount Operation on Managed Node
If a mount or dismount operation fails to complete for any reason (for example, array locked by another
user, etc.) on the Managed Node, it is possible that the operation will leave some volume group
directories or device files on the host without cleaning up completely.
Depending on how far the operation (mount, dismount) progressed, some of the required directories may
have been created before the operation failed. If any of the volume group directories were created, you
should manually delete them before trying the same command again, since further attempts may result in
failure because some of the directories are already present. The HP SE SAP ACC Integration log will also
contain a related message to help trouble shoot the failure.
HP-UX/SAN - Effect of SAN Failure During Attach Operation
During the attach operation, SAP ACC integration uses the vgimport -s command to import all of the
physical devices that belong to the volume group. When using multiple SAN paths in the configuration,
the volume group should have all possible device files added as alternative links in the configuration. If,
however, at the point of importing the volume group one of the SAN paths is in a "failed" status, the
volume group will only have the available device from the working path added to the volume group
configuration. The volume group will still function as normal, and with multi-path drivers installed, the
SAN path failure should still be handled. The only known problem would be if the system is re-booted
and the configured path in the volume group is not available. In that event, the volume group will not
activate properly, and the application will not start. This is mainly due to the multi-path driver starting
after volume group activation in the system startup procedure.
If some paths are not configured in the volume group definitions, the administrator can either perform the
detach operation followed by an attach operation at a time when all SAN paths are available, or use the
vgscan command to update the active volume group information. Refer to the manpages for usage of
the vgscan command.
HP-UX - Adding or Removing Physical Devices from Volume Groups
If the user adds or removes physical storage to or from volume groups that are SAP ACC enabled, the
next detach operation will fail, unless the user updates the configuration information in the SAP ACC
Integration Software. The Integration Software will not automatically add or remove storage information
from the current configuration but will report inconsistencies and fail on such events