HP Storage Essentials Storage Resource Management Report Optimizer Software 6.0 Performing On-Report Analysis with Web Intelligence (August 2008)

Performing On-Report Analysis with Web Intelligence 145
When the same data is displayed on a 2D chart it looks like this:
In the second example, the 2D bar chart includes the optional Z-Axis with the values for
quarter. Including data on the Z-Axis enables you to show an additional break down of the
results displayed on the chart bars. Just like the 3D chart above, the [Sales revenue]
measure is on the Y-Axis, the [Year] dimension is on the X-Axis, and the [Quarter]
dimension is on the Z-Axis. Notice that because the Z-Axis cannot be represented
graphically on a 2D chart, the legend provides the information for the Z-Axis values.
Formatting grids, values, and scales
This section tells you how to format axis:
Formatting the axis grid
The axis grid helps you identify how each result, on the bars or data markers of a chart,
relates to the values along each axes. The following chart displays a grid along the Y-Axis
and along the X-Axis: