HP Storage Essentials V5.1 Installation Guide Second Edition (Linux Release) (T4283-96055, November 2006)

Storage Essentials 5.1 Installation Guide 27
Step 6 - Configure SUSE Linux for Use with Business Tools
If you are running the management server on SUSE Linux, and Storage Essentials and HP SIM are
on the same machine, you must complete these steps if you intend to use Business Tools. Only the
root user can perform these steps.
1. Restart the HP SIM process by entering the following command:
# /opt/mx/lbin/hpsim restart server
2. Restart Storage Essentials by entering the following commands:
# /etc/init.d/appstormanager stop
# /etc/init.d/appstormanager start
3. Enter the following command:
# . <productname>/install/setvars.sh
where <productname> is the directory containing the software, the default value being
4. Run appiqconfig and input the HP SIM credentials. Use the default settings when applicable.
Run appiqconfig by entering the following commands:
# cd <productname>/cli/bin/
where <productname> is the directory containing the software, the default value being
# ./appiqconfig -username <name> -password <passwd> -server <ip/name>
-transport <transport> -port <port>
Step 7 - Browse to HP SIM Home Page
1. Wait until HP SIM is fully started. HP SIM has fully started when you can bring up the HP SIM
Home page.
2. Start the Storage Essentials (AppStorManager) process and change to 'Automatic.'
3. You should now be able to access HP SIM from a web browser using the URL
https://<FQDN of localhost>:50000 (for example https://example.domain.com:50000). The
host name must be fully qualified.
4. Supply the login for the user that was used to install HP SIM.
Step 8 - Configure Firefox
Firefox should be properly configured before accessing the management server from a Linux client.
The RHEL 4 OS distribution comes with Firefox. RHEL 4 (U3) includes Firefox version v1.0.7 which is
not supported. RHEL 4 (U4) includes the supported Firefox version v1.5.0.3.
The SUSE OS distribution does not come with Firefox.
To install and configure Firefox v1.5.0.1 or later on Linux:
1. Download Firefox from http://www.mozilla.com/firefox/all.html
2. Extract the depot in a suitable location such as /usr/sbin