HP Storage Essentials Storage Resource Management Report Optimizer Software 6.0 Contexts Guide (October 2008)

Creating Reports in a Complex Environment52
4. Create the necessary variables using the following formulas:
5. Create a ranking condition in the report:
a. Click Show/Hide Filter pane.
b. Drag the Rank_Condition variable to the Report Filters panel.
c. Select Not equal to from the “Operator” drop-down list and set its value to 0 in the “Type a
value” text field.
Variable Name Formula
UserResponse =ToNumber(UserResponse("Top x Storage System
Name (Enter x)"))
Rank_dataRate Rank([Total Data Rate (Bytes/Sec)];([Storage System
Name];[Statistics Type]);([Statistics Type]))
Rank_Condition If([Rank_dataRate]<=[UserResponse] ForAll([Storage
System Name]) ;1;0)