HP StorageWorks Storage Mirroring scripting guide (T2558-96074, February 2008)

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Storage Mirroring Server Settings
Server Setting Description
ActivationCode 16- or 24-character Storage Mirroring activation code
Values: Unique value for each customer
Default: N/A
GUI Setting: Server Properties, Licensing tab, Activation Code
AdapterFlags Specifies the adapter to use when establishing a connection. This option should not be changed.
Values: 2 Encryption
4 Network Data Representation
Default: 4
GUI Setting
: None
AddOnCodes 16- or 24-character activation code for specific add-on components
Values: Unique value for each customer
Default: N/A
GUI Setting: Server Properties, Licensing tab, Additional Codes
Advertisement Indicates how the Management Console populates the server tree.
Values: 1 Uses the Storage Mirroring heartbeat
4 Uses Windows 200x Active Directory
5 Uses both the Storage Mirroring heartbeat and Windows 200x Active Directory
Default: 5
GUI Setting
: Management Console, File, Options, Configuration tab, Automatic Service
Changes to this setting require the Storage Mirroring service to be restarted for the change to
take effect. If Active Directory Advertisement is enabled (set to
4 or 5), there is a 200 byte impact
on the Active Directory service for each server that registers. The Storage Mirroring service
registers with Active Directory at startup and unregisters at shutdown.
AllFailover Specifies which IP addresses to failover
Values: 0 Failover only monitored IP addresses
1 Failover all IP addresses
Default: 1
GUI Setting
: Failover Control Center, Monitor Settings, Items to Failover, IP Address(es)
AllMustFail Specifies whether or not all IP addresses must fail for failover to take place
Values: 0 any IP address can fail
1 All IP addresses must fail
Default: 1
GUI Setting
: Failover Control Center, Monitor Settings, Failover Trigger, All Monitored IP
Addresses Fail
Used internally by the Management Console. Do not modify this entry.
AutoReconnect Specifies whether to reinstate the target connection(s) when the source machine is brought
online after a source machine failure
Values: 0 Do not reconnect
1 Reconnect
Default: 1
GUI Setting
: Server Properties, Setup tab, Source Module Startup Options, Automatically
Reconnect During Source Initialization