HP StorageWorks Storage Mirroring Recover User's Guide (T5437-96008, November 2009)

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is automatically created when the first GeoCluster Replicated Disk resource is created in
a group. Once the status resource is created, it will exist as long as there is a GeoCluster
Replicated Disk resource in the group. When the last GeoCluster Replicated Disk
resource in a group is deleted, the status resource will be deleted. Only one status
resource is created per group.
If you are using Windows 2003, the description of the status resource corresponds to
various states of your Storage Mirroring Recover data. By reviewing the status
descriptions, you can tell at-a-glance the state of your Storage Mirroring Recover data. If
you are using Windows 2008, these status descriptions are seen directly in the
GeoCluster Replicated Disk resource description, rather than the GeoCluster Replicated
Disk Status resource.
Sample Status Resource Description Storage Mirroring Recover Data State
The status of all targets is OK.
The data on each target node is in a
good state.
Target target_name is pending.
Data integrity not guaranteed.
Target target_name is suspect.
Data integrity not guaranteed.
The data on the specified target node is
not in a good state. This could be
because a mirror is in progress, an
operation has been dropped on the
target, or another Storage Mirroring
Recoverprocessing issue. Check the
Storage Mirroring Recover logs for more
information. As long as the status is
pending, data integrity cannot be
guaranteed on the specified target node.
Target target_name is queuing. Data in
queue on target.
The data on the specified target is not
up-to-date. Because there is data in
queue on the target, that has not been
written to disk yet, the target data is out-
The text of the descriptions may vary between Windows 2003 and Windows 2008.
Another function of the status resource, for both Windows 2003 and Windows 2008, is to
keep you from moving the GeoCluster Replicated Disk resource to another node at the
wrong time and potentially corrupting your data. If the GeoCluster Replicated Disk
resource was moved while the status resource is in a pending or queuing state, the new
node would have incomplete data, which would then be replicated to the other nodes in
the cluster. This resource safeguards you from corrupting your data.