HP StorageWorks Storage Mirroring Replicate User's Guide (T5437-96023, November 2010)

Job monitoring Page 171 of 214
General, dtDriverQueuePercent
The amount of throttling calculated as a percentage of the stop replicating
Source, dtSourceState
0—Source is not running
1—Source is running without the replication driver
2—Source is running with the replication driver.
Target, dtTargetState
0—Target is not running
1—Target is running
Target, dtRetryCount
The number of file operations that have been retried
Target, dtOpsDroppedCount
The number of file operations that have failed and will not be retried
Security, dtLoginCount
The number of successful logins and logouts
Security, dtFailedLoginCount
The number of unsuccessful logins
Connection, dtConnectionCount
The number of active connections between machines
Connection, dtconIpAddress
The IP address of the connected machine. If at the source, then the IP
address of the target. If at the target, then the IP address of the source.
Connection, dtconConnectTime
The duration of time since the connection was first established
Connection, dtconState
The state of the active connection
0—None. This indicates a connection has not been established. Statistics
are still available for the source and target machines.