HP StorageWorks Storage Mirroring Replicate User's Guide (T5437-96023, November 2010)

Repository server management Page 201 of 214
Using the AtomAdmin utility
The deduplication feature is designed to run with minimal up-front configuration.
However, because the storage bin and the embedded SQL database for duplicate
identification can grow over time, you may eventually need to perform tasks to maintain
or restore efficient deduplication operation. Complete the following tasks using the
AtomAdmin.exe command-line utility, which is located in the \Atom subdirectory where
you installed Storage Mirroring Replicate.
Performs maintenance on deduplication setup and configuration
ATOMADMIN [-A <hostname>] [-UID <user>] [-PWD <password>] [-
DOMAIN <domain>] [-WSPORT <port>] -V [LINKS | BIN | ALL]
[<volume_list>] [-F | -FIX] -R <storagebin_volume> -P <storagebin_
volume> -T <volume_list> -Y -H
l A hostname—Hostname or IPaddress of the machine running the
Atom File-Level Deduplication Service. If this option is not specified,
the local machine will be used.
l UID user—User account that should be used to run the AtomAdmin
utility. This option is required if you are connecting to a remote
machine. If this option is not specified, the current user will be used.
l PWD password—Password associated with the specified user
l DOMAIN domain—Domain associated with the specified user
l WSPORT port—Port the AtomAdmin utility will use for WCF (Web)
Services requests. If this option is not specified, 6325 will be used.
l VLINKS—Validates that all links referred to by reparse points are for
Atom deduplicated files and that the links are pointing to storage bin
files that exist
l VBIN—Validates that storage bin folders are referred to by files
somewhere on the system
l VALL—Validates both links and storage bin folders