HP StorageWorks Storage Mirroring for Linux User's Guide (T2558-96317, June 2009)

15 - 7
52000 Unfinished Op error This error message contains various Microsoft API
codes. The text Code -<x> Internal <y> appears at
the end of this message. The code value indicates
why the operation failed, and the internal value
indicates the type of operation that failed. The most
common code values that appear in this error
message are:
(5) Permission denied: The account running
the Storage Mirroring daemon does not have
permission to update the file specified.
(32) Sharing violation: Another application is
using a particular file that Storage Mirroring is
trying to update. Storage Mirroring will wait and
try to update the file later.
(112) Disk full: The disk to which data is being
written on the target is full. This issue may be
resolved by deleting files on the target machine
or by adding another disk.
52501 Target module loaded
The Storage Mirroring target module was loaded
52502 Target module already loaded The Storage Mirroring target module was already
52503 Target module stopped The Storage Mirroring target module stopped.
53001 File was missing from target The verification process confirms that the files on
the target are identical to the files on the source.
This message would only appear if the verification
process showed that a file on the source was
missing from the target.
53003 Could not read filename Storage Mirroring could not read a file on the source
machine because the file may have been renamed
or deleted. For example, temporary files show up in
queue but do not show up during transmission. (No
user action required.)
54000 Kernel started The Storage Mirroring daemon was started.
54001 Failover module failed to load The Storage Mirroring failover module failed to load.
Look at previous log messages to determine the
54503 Failover module stopped The Storage Mirroring failover module stopped.
99001 Starting source module low
memory processing
The source’s queue is full, and the auto-disconnect
process will disconnect the source and target
connection. The auto-reconnect process will
automatically reestablish the connection if the
auto-reconnect feature is enabled. If the
auto-reconnect feature is not enabled, you must
first verify that the connection between the source
and target has been broken, and then manually
reestablish the connection in the Management
99999 Application is terminating
The Storage Mirroring daemon is shutting down
503010 Asyncloctl for status thread 178
terminated, terminating the
status thread
A Storage Mirroring process monitors the state of
the Storage Mirroring driver. When the daemon is
shut down, the driver is shut down, and this process
is terminated. (No user action required.)
ID Message Description