Brocade Fabric OS MIB Reference (53-1000241-01, November 2006)

5-22 Fabric OS MIB Reference
Publication Number: 53-1000241-01
This OID cannot be used for either firmwareDownload or configDownload (cannot be set and is
readonly) for FOS v4.4 and above. The value displayed is always "swCurrent(1)".
Values Possible values are:
swCurrent (1) The flash contains the current firmware image or configuration file.
swCfUpload (3) The switch configuration file is to be uploaded to the host specified.
swCfDownload (4) The switch configuration file is to be downloaded from the host specified.
swFwCorrupted (5) The firmware in the flash is corrupted. This value is for informational purposes
only; however, setting swFlashDLAdmStatus to this value is not allowed.
For more information about the firmwareDownload, configDownload and configUpload commands,
see the Fabric OS Command Reference.