HP P6000 Replication Solutions Manager Administrator Guide (T3680-96069, June 2012)

A description of each command follows:
connect internal/letmein;
Connects to the database with the specified user name and password. In this case, the user
is internal and the password is letmein.
archive log list;
Issues the archive log command with the list parameter. The command output looks
similar to this:
Archive ModeDatabase log mode
EnabledAutomatic archival
H:\archiveArchive destination
266Oldest online log sequence
267Next log sequence to archive
267Current log sequence
Identify the oldest online log sequence (266 in this example), which is the reason the output
from the SQL *Plus command was redirected to a log file. This helps you determine which
archived redo logs need to be backed up as part of the current online backup.
alter tablespace USR begin backup;
alter tablespace WEB begin backup;
Place the tablespaces USR and WEB in online backup mode.
Exits the script and returns control to the replication manager job.
When the PRE routine is complete, the specified tablespaces are placed in online backup mode,
ensuring that the data files are consistent. The replication manager can now create snapshot or
snapclone copies. This can take a few seconds. The next step is to take the tablespaces out of
online backup mode using the POST routine.
Sample POST routine
As with the PRE routine, you can issue a series of SQL commands to Oracle by using a post.bat
file to call the SQL *Plus utility. For example:
c:\orant\bin\sqlplus "@RSM-post" > post.log
You will need to pass a set of commands, which are located in the RSM-post.sql command file
and will redirect the tablespaces out of online backup mode.
connect internal/letmein; alter tablespace USR end backup; alter
tablespace WEB end backup; archive log list; alter system switch logfile;
quit; ****
A description of each command follows:
connect internal/letmein;
Connects to the database using the specified user ID and password.
alter tablespace USR end backup;
alter tablespace WEB end backup;
Take the tablespaces USR and WEB out of online backup mode.
Using the replication manager to back up an Oracle database 69