Cloning an Oracle/DB2/Sybase Database in a SAN Environment Using EVA Snapclone Technology (August 2007)

Cloning a database using cold backup is faster and more consistent than using hot backup.
Therefore, cloning database using a cold backup is highly recommended.
Validating the Cloned Database Using Oracle db_verify Script
To verify the Oracle database data files for integrity, save the following script in the file and execute it:
#This script is used to verify Oracle database datafiles
#Usage: perl --dir=directory_of_the_datafiles
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use IO::Handle;
my $dir;
my $status;
GetOptions ('dir=s' => \$dir,);
chomp ($dir);
#Create an output file
open (IFP, ">db_verify.txt") or die "Can't open file:$!\n";
my @dbf_list = `ls -alt $dir`;
# Do db_verify on all the DB data files and print the results
for (my $i =0; $i < @dbf_list; $i++) {
if ($dbf_list[$i] =~ /\s+(\S+\.dbf)/) {
print IFP "\n\nVerify $1\n";
$status = `dbv file=$dir/$1 blocksize=8192 2>&1`;
print IFP "$status";
close (IFP);
The output for the above db_verify file is as shown below: