Cloning an Oracle/DB2/Sybase Database in a SAN Environment Using EVA Snapclone Technology (August 2007)

The db2inidb command is never run on the production or the parent database. Instead, it must
be executed only on the cloned database.
After initializing a Snapclone copy of a database, change its location by performing the
steps described in the following section.
Changing the Location of a Database Using the db2relocatedb Command
The db2relocatedb command enables you to change the location of one or more tablespace
containers or an entire database, without having to perform a backup and a redirected
restore operation. It also enables you to rename a database or change the instance to which
a database belongs, based on the specifications in a configuration file that is provided by
the user. When executed, this command makes the necessary changes to the DB2 instance
and the appropriate database support files. From the perspective of the cloned database,
this command renames the cloned database, changes the DB2 instance with which the clone
is associated, and changes the tablespace container metadata for the tablespace containers
that are associated with the clone.
To rename a cloned database and update the metadata for its tablespace containers, enter
the following command on the database server:
db2relocatedb -f [ConfigFile]
identifies the name of the configuration file, which contains information that is
necessary to modify the DB2-specific metadata stored in files associated with a database.
For example:
To relocate a DB2 database using a configuration file named
config.txt, enter the following
db2relocatedb -f config.txt
Advantages of Cloning a DB2 Database Using EVA Snapclone Technology
For information on the advantages of cloning a DB2 database using EVA Snapclone
technology, see Advantages of Cloning a Database Using EVA Snapclone Technology