3.6.0 Matrix Server Installation Guide (5697-7079, February 2008)

Appendix A: Configure the Matrix from the Command Line 44
Copyright © 1999-2008 PolyServe, Inc. All rights reserved.
mx --matrix nodeA config fcswitch [--community <string>] <switch> ...
(This command is optional for santype fc and not applicable for santype iSCSI.)
mx --matrix nodeA config webfencing --ruser <user name> --vendor
<vendor> --mixedvendor yes|no --hostname <name>|--hostsuffix
<suffix>|--ipdelta <delta> [--type reset|shutdown] [--bladeslot
<slot>] [--sharedlogin yes|no] [--rpassword <password>]
--matrix nodeA
config mp set <uuid1/partno> [<uuid2/partno>
mx --matrix nodeA config snapshot add --method <type> [--options
<method options>]
(This command is needed only if you will be using the snapshot feature.)
mx --matrix nodeA server add nodeA
mx --matrix nodeA server start nodeA
mx --matrix nodeA config description <description>
The matrix is now configured and Matrix Server is running on nodeA.
Repeat the following set of commands to add the remaining nodes to the
matrix and export the configuration to them.
mx --matrix nodeA server add <nodename>
mx --matrix nodeA config export <nodename>
Now configure web management-based fencing on the nodes just added
to the matrix. For each node, specify the appropriate fencing information.
mx --matrix <nodename> config webfencing --ruser <user name> --vendor
<vendor> --mixedvendor yes|no --hostname <name>|--hostsuffix <suffix>
|--ipdelta <delta> [--type reset|shutdown] [--bladeslot <slot>]
[--sharedlogin yes|no] [--rpassword <password>]
Now start Matrix Server on the servers:
mx --matrix nodeA server start <nodename>
The initial configuration of the matrix is complete.
Sample Configuration Script
The following example shows how a script can be used to configure the
matrix. Although this is a bash script, the same ideas apply to other
scripting methods. Note the following in the sample script: