HP Management Integration Framework Administrator Guide (T5494-96539, October 2012)

Available OS security domains
This security setting establishes an administrator-specified list of OS security domains that
Management Integration Framework software can use for authentication.
Typical use. When it is known that a machine has trust relationships with an OS security
domain that Management Integration Framework software cannot automatically detect, you
can add the domain to this list. This allows Management Integration Framework software to
authenticate users with the specified domain.
By default, this setting is empty.
If you specify a security domain, it can be any legal domain name (up to 255 characters).
Considerations. Management Integration Framework software does not verify OS security
domain entries. If an incorrect domain is entered, security administrators will mistakenly believe
that user accounts for the security domain are being authenticated, when in fact they are not.
Incorrect entries can also cause failed login attempts.
Management Integration Framework software also uses certain domains which do not appear in
the administrator-specified list. On Windows machines these are:
Local machine
Primary active domain
Cipher List
This security setting establishes security ciphers, key strengths and hash algorithms that apply to
SSL connections. The cipher list consists of cipher strings separated by colons.
Typical use. When an administrator wants to change the default cipher list.
The default cipher list is: ALL:!ADH:!LOW:!EXP:!MD5:@STRENGTH.
Considerations. Changing the security cipher list can affect interoperability with clients that
require specific settings.
Tree integrator configuration settings
Decorator age time-out
This tree integrator setting establishes how long Management Integration Framework software
waits before removing a registered decoration. Timing is relative to the last time the decoration
was registered.
Typical use. Shorten the time-out if the Management Integration Framework interface is not
responsive. Increase the time-out if the network is unreliable.
The default is 30 seconds.
If you change the setting, it must be in the range of 1 to 3600 seconds (1 hour).
Considerations. A short time-out causes tree decorators to be removed from stale decorations
more quickly. If the time-out is too short, tree decorations could be repeatedly displayed,
removed, and displayed again (looping).
Tree discovery interval
This tree integrator setting establishes how often Management Integration Framework software
checks for new trees.
Typical use. When the Management Integration Framework interface does not seem to find
new trees fast enough. Also, when there are many trees and Management Integration
Framework interface performance is effected.
The default is 5000 milliseconds.
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