HP StorageWorks Replication Solutions Manager Command Line User Interface Reference (T3687-96029, August 2005)

A XML comman d respons e format
The XML command response object creates the XML response. The command response c an contain
multiple tables, rows, heading columns, and row columns. The heading columns are similar to tag/value
pairs. For every column in the heading, you should include a column in each row. This will allow CSV
and other output formats to properly format the data.
Here is a sample:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<resultcode>value </resultcode>
<command>original command</command>
<description>description of command</description> <table>
<column>heading column</column>
<column>heading column</column>
<column>row column</column>
<column>row column</column>
HP StorageWorks Replication Solutions Manager Command Line User Interface reference