HP StorageWorks File System Extender Software V3.4 CLI reference (T3648-96013, October 2006)

2.9 NAME 66
–O, –pool
Assign a new FSE medium with barcode Barcode to the FSE media pool
PoolName. This option can only be used in combination with the –add
The name of the FSE media pool to add new medium to.
–r, –remove
Remove an existing FSE medium from the FSE system. This is possible
if all FSE medium volumes on the medium are empty. Note that unless
additional option –force is specified, the command demands FSE admin-
istrator’s confirmation before performing this operation. Default answer to
the confirmation question is "No".
–l, –list
If this option is used alone it list barcodes and status information of the
FSE media that is configured within the FSE implementation. If additional
argument Barcode with the –volume option is specified then it shows the
status of all medium volumes on medium with the specified barcode. If
the argument combination –list –volume is used then the status of all
medium volumes on all configured FSE media is displayed. Reported status
information for an FSE medium includes:
1. Barcode .......... medium barcode,
2. Type .......... medium type (AIT–1, AIT–2, AIT–3, SAIT–1, LTO 1,
LTO 2, LTO 3, DDS, disk, unknown),
3. Pool .......... name of FSE media pool the medium belongs to,
4. Status .......... current status of the medium (uninitialized, free, open,
in use, full, unreliable, unusable, unknown),
5. Location .......... current location of the medium in an FSE library slot
(library name and slot number) or in an FSE drive (drive name),
6. #Vol .......... number of volumes on the medium,
7. SysVolNo .......... index of system volume (value 0 is displayed if it is
not present).
HP StorageWorks File System Extender Software CLI reference